Saturday, January 31, 2009

Green Onion Bagel (VI)

on Earth
did they put
in this bagel?


Friday, January 30, 2009

Green Onion Bagel (V)

I hope my eyes
are deceiving me
I think that bagel's
about to blow

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Green Onion Bagel (IV)

It snatched its
Sierra Club handbag

Hopped in its
hybrid two-door

And drove
the delicatessen's
to the center

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Green Onion Bagel (III)

I remember
that day that
I finally
heard the words
I believe
you are old enough
to help

at the boiling
water below,
I imagined bragging
and boasting
the other boys
would be
so impressed

But when I
grabbed that
golden ring,
offered it for inspection
I only heard
No! Oh no!
That one isn't
ready yet

And I knew
neither was I

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Green Onion Bagel (II)

Buried at the bottom
of the bin
it waits
bagel after bagel
(after bagel)
chosen above,
clutched to chests,
cherished, chewed
like it longs to be

and it wonders

What makes those guys
so goddamned special?

Monday, January 26, 2009

Green Onion Bagel (I)

It must've fallen
from the counter,
and rolled back
here only God
knows when

Breath bated,
I reach behind
the fridge

and bag it

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Enlightening the World, One Bite at a Time

This bagel sitting before me,
is better than I'll ever be;
For I'm a statue, so lazy,
just watching refuse on TV;
Yet it smells sweet and oniony,
and offers up this guarantee:

"Bring to me all your hungry,
your twisted tummies too achy;
I lift my lamp for these to see
a tasty way to set thee free!"

Saturday, January 24, 2009

The Onion, The Bagel, The Cream Cheese, and The Child Complaining of Hunger Pains

Maybe if you grease me,
I might grill better

Were you to toast me,
I might taste better

Perhaps if you stir me,
I might spread better

If only you would feed me,
I might finally be able to stop suffering from malnutrition

Friday, January 23, 2009

On Being Pungent

I've seen them staring
sideways and shifty
eyelids aflutter, thinking
I'd better be subtle
but it's too late
for the flare of their nostrils
betrays them
What is that smell?
they wonder and
their wandering eyes
inevitably fall
to me

I've seen d-i-s-g-u-s-t
written upon their faces
but I
can read
between the lines
I know
those looks
are not for me
but for their friends
for the others for
the public for

For when they draw
closed their
kitchen drapes
these puritanical politicians
these religiously righteous
refusers s-t-o-p
turning up their noses —
they come in close
breathe in deep
and taste
I've seen them do it
I've seen them all

Thursday, January 22, 2009

An Easy Choice

encircling the Rock
making Paper crumby
Scissors gumming over

Onion Bagel bests all

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Haiku #4

I've been noticing
top halves are onionier.
You take the bottom.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Praise Song for the Bagel, A Poem for Watching Barack Obama's Presidential Inauguration on TV

Each morning we go and do our business,
we flush and we jump in the shower
or not, drying and then dressing.

All inside us is hunger. All inside us is
pang and rumble, yearn and ache, we
long for something touching our tongues.

Someone is scrambling an egg, boiling
water for coffee, Popping a Tart,
heating the things that taste better hot.

A woman in a hairnet waits on tables.
A line cook examines the melting butter.
A hostess says Please. Let me seat you now.

Say it plain: that many have slaved over this meal.
Sing the names of those who brought it here,
who plowed the fields, planted the crops,

picked the onions and the wheat, kneaded
batch by batch the glorious dough
they would then roll into perfect little rings.

Praise song for the bakers, praise song for the meal.
Praise song for every boiled little bite,
the chewing-it-up at kitchen tables.

Some live by you are what you eat,
others by an apple a day keeps the doctor away.
But what if the mightiest food is bagels?

Praise song for getting something in our stomachs.

Monday, January 19, 2009

Old Habits

I was blackout drunk,
and I surely stunk
of sweat and dirt and vomit
when I went to that joint
up at Downer's Point,
hadn't been there since Halley's Comet.
But they knew me there
and they poured my share,
made it stiff as rigor mortis,
kept filling my cup
'til the sun came up,
and I rolled out like a tortoise.
Next thing I knew
I was coming to
in my ex- ex- ex-girlfriend's apartment,
the sun shone unbearable
my head pounded terrible
like a fire at the fire department.
Still I gasped out her name
when I witnessed her frame,
stale and lifeless on the floor by the sink,
my onions were mussed
with fresh blood on my crust
and I thought What's my AA group gonna' think?

Sunday, January 18, 2009

concerning a union

this bagel
i know

good bagel
hardworking bagel
little on the onion-y side
but still

a good
stand-up type bagel

just married
this croissant

from france


just hope it's for love
ya know?

and not
for some stupid
green card

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Apologies to Linda Ronstadt and Aaron Neville

Look at this onion,
compressed by dehydration.
Look at this bagel,
awaiting mastication;

Ooh —

I don't know much,
but I know I'm hungry,
and that may be all I need to know.

Friday, January 16, 2009

onion bar baby

i met her at an onion bar
i could see in her eyes she was gone pretty far
she said "look at my tattoo!" but she pointed to a scar
we danced at the onion bar

she pulled me in the bathroom
smoke so thick you could scoop it with a spoon
the music was muffled but the drums they still boomed
we kissed in the bathroom

i said "how do i know you ain't gonna bust me?"
she said "didn't i tell you you could never trust me?"
i pulled out my toaster, but it was kinda rusty
she had a bagel, and it was kinda musty

but that didn't stop us

we sat around and ate some more
we sat around and ate some more
we sat around and ate and then

i tried to drop the bagel and grab onto her hips
but she said "you gotta hold it steady, so the cream cheese doesn't smear across my lips"

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Sonnet II

stopping by Starbuck's showed I was busted
for when I ordered my caffé latte
seems my credit card couldn't be trusted
'twas on account of the economy

with only cash enough for a bagel
redfaced I hurriedly made for the door
stashed a pistol in my trousers' leg hole
ran to the bank, made them lay on the floor

"I've got a gun! it's here in my jacket!
now empty the vault! while I take a bite!"
dreams of the wealth I'd make from this racket
stopped short — for my bagel didn't taste right

cops declared I was easy to run in
(gun in my mouth, and coat smeared with onion)

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

a crossing

black bordered
yellow diamond

your silhouetted shapes
drive me to look

am i
like this diamond?

am i bordered
by blackness?
am i
am i filled
with shapes so simple:

one large ring
followed closely
by three smaller ones?

the questions cross
my mind
the answers cross
my lips



a dozen times —

oh, wait
those aren't onion bagels

they're ducks

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

request from an onion bagel eater

you can tell me that i'm crazy
that i haven't got a clue,
or argue that i'm stupid
i won't claim that's untrue,
feel free to call me ugly
since my eyebrows are askew,
just don't say that i have bad taste
or darling, we are through

Monday, January 12, 2009

a series of revelations


what have we here?

looks like the shoe
is on the other foot

and by "shoe"
    i mean "onion"

and by "foot"
        i mean "bagel"

and by "we"
            i mean "oui"

because i'm actually

Sunday, January 11, 2009

the darkness

the darkness sets in
not again
             i pray
but i know it's too late

my face
     hot heat beyond
     i spring up
          i sprint forth

pounding lungs
              screaming not
enough air not
            enough time i

slide stockings                      across linoleum

mouth agape
from panting
                       from horror
                             for now
i see it

black smoke spiraling ceilingward
onion bagel burning below

i curse the
                  funeral pyre
                              before me

both for not
when it should have
for not being
powerful enough
                        to take
as well

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Haiku #3

Proposed fad diet:
Don't eat meat, fruit, cheese or nuts.
Just onion bagels.

Friday, January 9, 2009

Reflections on Daughterhood

"Be wary of men bearing bagels,"
My mother would often warn me,
"Although they may make you feel thankful,
Such gifts are quite often not free."

If only my youthful ears listened
Alas! I believed I knew better,
My morals were frequently loosened
By an Xs- and Bagels-signed letter.

I'd smile for a boy serving sesames,
I'd wink at a guy wielding wheats,
Before long, men were undressing me
By baiting me with blueberry treats.

But my heart only fell for one Romeo
Who made me forget all the rest,
His sweet onion bagel aroma
Awakened true love in my breast.

In nine months I found myself natal,
And our daughter drove him away,
"Be wary of men bearing bagels,"
I oftentimes tell her today.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

the impatient poet –or– perhaps it's time to update the DSM-IV

i'm sorry, doctor, but it's happening again
what is this, eleven, twelve times in a row?
i swear i'm not trying to sway this exam
i'm simply reciting the objects you show

another, now another, i can't take much more
oh please won't you finally tell me we're through?
these sessions are making me crazier than before—
that ink blot looks just like an onion bagel too!

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Sworn Testimony of the Accused Onion Bagel

I cannot tell a lie
I have no alibi
For the night the murder took place
And although it seems damning
I have been seen slamming
Beer bottles in the deceased's face
You see, when I'm drinking
I sometimes stop thinking
That vice I do surely possess
But as for this crime
You're wasting your time
If you think that this bagel will confess
Instead my suggestion
Is for you to question
What made your detectives so sloppy
It takes not a sleuth
To uncover the truth
Since your crime scene is plastered with poppy

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Haiku #2

onion shavings fall
smooth golden surface revealed
manscaping bagel

Monday, January 5, 2009

I'll Try a Box of the Onion Ones

Krispy Kreme
Doughnut Holes

Are you
Einstein Bros.?

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Sonnet I

I stood one winter by the river's bank,
And gazed across at the thickening ice.
I had my Lord and my baker to thank,
For my meal was warm, so toasty and nice.
It smelled of onions, life's richest bouquet,
Its skin shimmered brown beneath the sun's glow.
Though heav'nly bodies I dare not betray,
I swear I beheld it melting the snow!
The blanket of white was thinned to a sheet,
And life anew arose hysterical,
Up sprouted shrubbery, grasses and wheat:
Eden reborn, a wond'rous miracle!
Soon that frozen river babbled once more,
And I swam safely to the other shore.

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Limerick #2

There once was an onion topped bagel
Whose hole was too small to finagle
At first I said "Doh! Pwhaaa?!?"
But then I watched Oprah
And learned it was flexing its Kegel

Friday, January 2, 2009

Don't tell him I said this

Between you and me,
there's this guy
on the docks
who works eighteen hour shifts
He opens
beer bottles
just with his teeth
and catches black marlin barehanded
He benches
three eighty
runs marathons each week
and memorized Pi to ninety digits
He tries law
in Jersey
and wins every case
and always finds contact lenses when you drop them
He tutors
celebrities' kids
in ceramics
and decorates condos on the weekends
He's a universal donor
a volunteer firefighter
a Big Brother, a junior senator and a physician
He can solve
all your problems
and answer your prayers —
but not until he gets his morning onion bagel in him,
because before that he's just a big old worthless sleepy crabby crankypants

Thursday, January 1, 2009


they say the fishermen
always see it first
they certainly did this year

through the morning mist
how it shivers and smacks!
a warmness
   hairs arising
a brightness
   eyelids squinting

unkempt nails lose grip of coarse nets
gnarled toothpicks fall fast from slack lips

a vision
what a vision!
soaring up above the sea

now cresting
now filling the sky

the onion bagel sun fills the men with wonder
fills their nets with game
and fills the world with an unrelenting hope
that last year
never knew